Are Trade Schools Becoming More Popular? Yes!

In recent years, a heartening and strategic trend is catching the eye of industry watchers and sociologists alike: more and more young Americans are keenly leaning into careers in the trades. This surge is not just a departure from the once-popular clamor for white-collar jobs, but an informed choice that underscores a range of significant benefits.

The trades offer a way out of crippling college debt, a toolkit of practical life skills, a path that keeps the national industry robust, and an opportunity to earn while absorbing valuable knowledge.

The Boom for Trade Schools

In recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in trade school enrollment across the United States. This uptick in interest and attendance is captured by data from the National Student Clearinghouse. Their findings reveal a significant increase in enrollment across various trade programs from spring 2021 to 2022.

Notably, mechanic and repair trade programs saw an 11.5% rise in student numbers. This growth is indicative of the burgeoning demand for skilled technicians in the automotive and machinery sectors. Similarly, construction trades experienced an even more substantial increase, with a 19.3% uptick in enrollment.

Culinary programs also enjoyed a notable rise in popularity, witnessing a 12.7% increase in enrollment. This trend reflects the growing fascination with culinary arts and hospitality, driven in part by the media spotlight on celebrity chefs and the evolving food culture.

Furthermore, the overall landscape of trade and technical schools in the US has expanded. As of 2022, there are 7,407 such institutions, marking a 1.7% increase from the previous year. This expansion underscores the shifting educational preferences among Americans, as more students are gravitating towards vocational training and skill-based learning pathways.

These statistics paint a clear picture of the evolving educational trends in the United States. They highlight the increasing recognition of trade schools as viable and valuable alternatives to traditional four-year colleges, offering practical skills and direct pathways to employment in various in-demand industries.

Benefits Over Traditional College Route: The Smart Economic Choice

With the turn of the century, the lure of four-year colleges has faced a steady decline. In the last decade alone, enrollment in traditional colleges has plummeted by nearly 15%. A major driving force behind this shift is the specter of college debt, which has loomed large over a generation of graduates.

Entering the workforce saddled with debt has significant implications, from delaying major life milestones, like home ownership, to affecting mental well-being.

In such a climate, the trades present themselves as a strategic and economical alternative. Choosing a career in a trade can mean sidestepping hefty tuition fees, thus avoiding the common trap of beginning professional life in debt.

Gaining Useful Life Skills: More Than Just a Job

The world of trades is not just about honing a specific set of professional skills. It’s also about arming oneself with competencies that come in handy in day-to-day life.

Whether it’s carpentry, which might lead one to craft beautiful home furniture, plumbing that can save household repair costs, or electrical work ensuring safety and functionality, these skills often double up as both professional expertise and practical life hacks.

Fueling the U.S. Industry: The Backbone of Growth

The demand for skilled workers in the trades is clear and compelling. With over 770,000 job postings from nearly 100,000 different employers, the trades are evidently indispensable. As traditional manufacturing jobs face threats from automation and outsourcing, skilled trades stand out as resilient and vital.

Tradespeople play a pivotal role in everything from our daily comforts to the nation’s infrastructure. They keep homes warm, lights on, and water flowing. Moreover, they’re at the forefront of constructing and maintaining the physical world around us. Their contributions keep the U.S. industry vibrant, progressive, and sustainable.

Earning While Learning: The Rise of Apprenticeships

In line with this growing interest in trades, apprenticeships have seen a tremendous uptick. Witnessing a growth of 50% in recent times, these programs underscore a fundamental advantage of the trades – the capacity to earn while learning.

Unlike traditional educational setups, where students often accumulate debt, apprenticeships turn the table.

Aspiring professionals receive hands-on training, understanding the nuances of their chosen trade, all while earning a stipend. It’s a real-world, immersive experience that often trumps classroom-based theoretical learning. Moreover, apprenticeships often ensure a smoother transition to full-time roles, thanks to the networks and reputations built during training.

Reframing Perceptions and Building the Future

There’s a critical need to reframe societal perceptions about trades. It’s high time we see the trades not as a secondary option or a “backup plan,” but as a prime, rewarding choice. The narrative around trades needs a makeover, highlighting not just its economic advantages but its role in nation-building and community well-being.

As more and more young Americans recognize the potential of the trades, they aren’t merely picking a profession; they are building the future. Their work ensures the longevity and health of the country’s infrastructure, the comfort of its inhabitants, and the growth of its economy.

The embracing of trades by the American youth signals a bright future. It points to a generation that’s making well-informed decisions, both for their personal growth and for the collective progress of the nation. With the dual advantages of economic savvy and essential life skills, the trades are set to attract even more young minds.

As the U.S. stands at the crossroads of industrial evolution and societal change, the strategic pivot towards trades by its youth promises a road paved with success, resilience, and growth.


Ken Rusk is a blue-collar entrepreneur who has started several successful endeavors and mentored hundreds of young people in their pursuit of a satisfying career and fulfilling life. Discover how Ken’s approach to life and work can help you set and achieve your goals – all while avoiding the nearly inescapable trap of college debt. Get a copy the Wall Street Journal bestselling book, Blue Collar Cash today!